Order Creation
Order Creation
Order Creation
How can I place my order?
It's easy to order at CPAPMerkezi.com and we're here to help—check out our online catalog here or call us on 02163245704 to get one step closer to a good night's sleep.
Is my Order and Payment safe?
Yes. Our proprietary software was created to protect your billing information.
At CPAPMerkezi.com we have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that encrypts information and keeps your data private between your computer or phone and CPAPMerkezi.com. This technology makes it safe to transmit your credit card number over the Internet. The “S” after “HTTP” in the URL address line lets you know you are on a secure page.
Is my personal and order information safe?
Your information is always safe with us; We never sell or distribute your contact information to third parties.
What happens after I place my order?
After placing your order, you will receive an order submitted confirmation email with your order number and tracking information. Don't forget to check your spam folder or add support@cpapmerkezi.com to your address book, don't miss your order information.
Log in to your account at CPAPMerkezi.com to track your order at every step from our warehouse to your door.
How can I provide payment information?
Online Payment by Credit Card:
To pay by credit card, choose "Pay with Credit Card" on the payment page as a payment option and confirm the order. The system will automatically direct you to the page where you can pay by credit card, where you can pay easily and safely by entering your information.
Payment by Bank Transfer:
To pay for an order via bank transfer, select "Bank Transfer" on the payment page as the payment option and confirm the order. As a result of the approval, our bank account information will be automatically shown to you.
Payment by Text Message with Credit Card:
If you have an idea that you will make a mistake, you can call us at 02163245704 and request that we send a secure payment link to your phone as a message.
For security reasons, you may receive an error when making a payment with an international credit card or debit card.
Does CPAPMerkezi.com store my credit card information?
CPAPMerkezi.com does not store credit card information. Once our credit card processor has verified your payment method, it will generate authorization allowing us to charge your credit card without storing your payment information.
Why are your prices so low?
Our aim is always to offer the lowest prices for you! How do we do this? We prevent you from encountering unnecessary costs by sending all our products from our warehouse.
My billing address is different from my delivery address, can I place an order?
Yes, "SEND TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS?" under Invoice Details in the payment step. By activating the option, you can enter different people and addresses.
How can I get help from a CPAP Specialist?
Getting help from a CPAP expert has never been easier. You can start a conversation by calling 05064502317 or via Whatsapp.